2016-17 Concert, Rehearsal & Event Schedule


September 8th: High School Open House  evening in CVHS cafeteria

September 10th: Car Wash 9am-2pm at Olivarios on Greentree Rd.++

October 4th: Crimson Hawks Invitational Choral Conference at IUP all day

October 22nd: Halloween Bonfire at Scott Park

November 4th: Verteran’s Day Performance in school *

December: Community performance and downtown field trip – TBA

December 12th: Winter Dress Rehearsal 6pm to 8:15 pm at CVHS*

December 13th: Winter Dress Rehearsal 6pm to 8:15 pm at CVHS*

December 15th: Winter Concert 7 pm*

February 8th: Soundwaves Recital 7pm*

February 9th: Soundwaves Recital 7pm*

March: Master Class w/ Hillerie Klein-Rensi – TBA

March 31st: Bunny Breakfast setup (evening) ++

April 1st: Bunny Breakfast (morning) ++

April 10th: Spring Dress Rehearsal CVHS 6-8:15pm*

April 11th: Spring Dress Rehearsal CVHS 6-8:15pm*

April 12th: Concert 7pm*

April 20-23: Spring performance and adjudication trip

May 4th: Chorus Banquet at Crowne Plaza

TBA: Graduation rehearsal after finals*

TBA: Graduation*


++These are essential fundraisers. Each chorus student is required to work a two-hour carwash shift AND a two hour Bunny Breakfast related shift (set-up or breakfast)